Metoidioplasty Explained
Metoidioplasty is
a gender-affirming surgery that creates a small-sized phallus
using existing genital tissue. Metoidioplasty is a good option
for those with sufficient clitoral growth from being on
testosterone hormone replacement therapy. It's a less invasive
and more affordable surgery than Phalloplasty. Average penis
length from a "Meta" is 1.5-2 inches.
How Metoidioplasty Works: Hormone Replacement Therapy, in the form of Testosterone and Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), gradually enlarges the natal clitoris, which is analogous to the penis. Metoidioplasty surgery involves cutting the surrounding labial tissues, and in some cases the suspensory ligament, to "free up" and reposition the clitoris in a more forward position, to more closely approximate the position of a penis. Complimentary procedures are optional, such as Vaginectomy, Urethral Lenghtening, Scrotoplasty and testicular implants.
Learn more about Metoidioplasty:
Non-Binary Options For Metoidioplasty
Historically, gender-affirming
bottom surgery has been binary in nature: Female to Male or
Male to Female. However, there's an increasing number of
surgeons who offer an individualized approach to
Metoidioplasty that's proving appealing to non-binary people seeking bottom surgery.
What You Need to Know About Vaginectomy
many years, Vaginectomy had a reputation for being a very
risky procedure—so risky that many surgeons refused to
perform it and even discouraged people from seeking it out.
Is Vaginectomy really that risky?
Below the Belt: Genital Talk by Men of Trans Experience
If you're
curious about what trans guys think about their junk in the
context of gender transition, you'll definitely want to pick
up a copy of Below the Belt!

Dr. Mang Chen
Reconstructive Urologist in San Francisco who is one of the most experienced Metoidioplasty surgeons in the country.

Dr. Chris McClung
Reconstructive Urologist with deep expertise, dedicated to gender-affirming surgical care, based in Ohio.

Dr. Kenan Celtik
Reconstructive Urologist who works exclusively with trans/NB patients in San Francisco.